Tag Archives: Undead

New and Featured Books for Young Adults for 10/24/2013:

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Come and check out these and some of the other new books and materials (or at least new to us) for Young Adults added to our library collection…


Falling out.

Fallout by Todd Strasser

Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick

Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick

Slated by Teri Terry

Revealed by P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Princesses love chess.

The Princess Of Cortova by Diane Stanley

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

A superhero for a new generation.

Battling Boy by Paul Pope

Lara’s Gift by Annemarie O’Brien

Time After Time by Tamara Ireland Stone

Die young, stay hungry.

Undead by Kirsty McKay

The Murders In The Rue Morgue And Other Tales by Edgar Allan Poe, adapted by Jean David Morvan and Corbeyran and illustrated by Fabrice Druet and Paul Marcel

Dead Girls Don’t Lie by Jennifer Shaw Wolf

The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare, adapted and illustrated by Hyekyung Baek

A novel in verse.

Serefina’s Promise: A Novel In Verse by Ann E. Burg

Myths and heroes.

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

The House Of Hades by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan, adapted by Robert Venditti, and illustrated by Attila Futaki

Still Star-Crossed by Melinda Taub


A Bag Of Marbles by Joseph Joffo, adapted by Kris and illustrated by Vincent Bailly, translated by Edward Gauvin

Healthy Weight For Teens by Carla Mooney

Punctuation And Spelling: Rules That Make Things Clear by Rebecca Vickers

Giants of science!

Benjamin Franklin by Kathleen Krull and illustrated by Boris Kulikov

Pioneering American Computer Geniuses by Mary Northrup

Amazing American Inventors Of The 20th Century by Laura S. Jeffrey

Internship & Volunteer Opportunities For People Who Love Animals by Ann Byers

Extreme Physics by Dan Green

The man who could not stop drawing.

Randolph Caldecott: The Man Who Could Not Stop Drawing by Leonard S. Marcus

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Please note that books mentioned here could be checked out between the time they end up on the blog and when you come to check them out. If you don’t see the items you’re looking for then please come up to the front desk, OR call us, OR send us an email at robinsbaselibrary@gmail.com and  we’ll put your name on the reserve list for when the item returns.

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Previous New/Featured books for Adults:





And for Young Adults:





And for Kids/Juvenile Readers:





Reading material for 04/09/12:

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Some reading material from around the internet…

RIP Mike Wallace.

RIP Thomas Kinkade.

There are many health hazards lurking in your kitchen.

Men suffer from eating disorders now more than ever.

Is it a bad idea to get an extension on your taxes?

Controversy deepens over pesticides, bee collapse.

Could a nickname get you ahead?

Zombie chocolate bunnies and undead Easter eggs.

Please don’t forget that this is National Library Week! We hope to see you this week, and that you’ll celebrate with us.

Online searches for future linked to economic success.

You can now text instructions to your espresso machine.

How NASA envisioned their exploration of Mars.

Children perceive humanoid robots as emotional, moral beings.

Scientists develop ultra thin solar cells.

What ever happened to the American arcade?

Actor who could never escape their biggest roles.

New horror movie from Joss Whedon is classic horror with a twist.

The creator of The Wire is annoyed with how much you love The Wire.

Gary Ross leaves The Hunger Games franchise.

The documentary Bully has finally received a PG-13 rating.

In defense of podcasts (even if they don’t make money).

The other titles that Stanley Kubrick considered for Dr. Strangelove.

Hitchcock’s Rear Window edited into a single time lapse shot.

The 2012 Hugo Award nominees have been announced.

An interview with Jonah Lehrer about creativity.

Do people with e-book readers actually read more?

10 crazy and unusual book designs.

An archive of book designs and designers, and its blog.

David Foster Wallace writes to Don Delillo.

An interview with Ruth Rendell.

A video interview with William Gibson.

Practical writing advice from C. S. Lewis.

Odd stories behind authors’ nom de plumes.

Edgar Rice Burroughs and John Carter Of Mars.

The mystery of glow in the dark Civil War soldiers.

Take a creepy tour of an abandoned Soviet monument in Bulgaria.

6 Easter traditions you might not know.

There are a lot of cellphones in India and too few toilets.

Liquid body armor.

An important question to ask at the start of your next job interview.

Travel tips from the Harlem Globetrotters.

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Previous online reading material:




