Tag Archives: Party animals

Reading material for 04/23/12.

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Some reading material from around the internet:

RIP Dick Clark.

RIP Jonathan Frid, the original Barnabas Collins.

RIP Levon Helm, of The Band.

The next generation of Super Mario Bros.

A resignation letter set to the tune of Don McLean’s “American Pie.”

Don’t forget: Julian Assange has a TV show now.

The dangerous of the unknown that come with fast food.

NBA player’s girlfriend banned from sitting courtside.

Who is the Navy man lost at sea in the mysterious portrait at the Pentagon?

Did the Pulitzers snub fiction this year?

Could book publishing suffer the same fate as the comic book industry?

The most notorious literary party animals.

William Shakespeare and Vladimir Nakokov.

Paul De Filippo on Madeleine L’Engle.

David Foster Wallace on David Lynch.

10 beautiful literary box sets.

The animated version of James Thurber’s “The Unicorn In The Garden.”

from here.

Tupac Shakur is a hologram now, and other celebrities return from the dead, via technology.

Star Wars, as written by William Shakespeare.

The Onion AV Club interviews Brad Bird and Joss Whedon.

Nathan Fillion sets an expiration date on SPOILERS.

The lineup at Cannes this year.

Relationship secrets from sci fi and fantasy.

The story behind Fraiser‘s “Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs.”

Rare behind the scenes photos from Star Wars.

The science/history of treating depression.

The right way to sharpen a knife.

Virtual reality window shopping.

The woes of a first time home buyer.

Good workouts for the body that’s slightly past its prime.

Is it a myth that soda will dissolve your teeth?

from here.

The surreal graffiti left behind in an abandoned village in Belgium.

What does truth serum really reveal?


Why some people get angry when they get drunk.

The satire of Caligula.

How a shipwreck can two ways.

Is James Cameron looking to get into asteroid mining?

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