Tag Archives: Bookshelves

Reading material for 03/05/12:

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Some reading material from around the internet:

RIP Davy Jones of the Monkees.

RIP Ralph McQuarrie, visionary of the Star Wars films.

A lot of fast food places are spending more money on upgrading their dining rooms.

Confessions of a bad teacher.

The pictures above from here and here.

Is antivirus software a waste of money?

Offbeat holidays you can celebrate in March.

If you’re going to dine and dash, don’t do it in a restaurant full of cops.

When you’re in trouble, call Nathan Fillion.

25 alleged Anonymous hackers were busted in an international crackdown.

The 18 types of people everyone is afraid of on Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook… this.

Windows 8 could make or break Microsoft.

The mounting minuses at Google+.

PayPal declares war on erotica.

Apple announces Product Launch on March 7, most likely for the iPad 3, right?

Google offers $1 million in “hacker bounties” for exploits against Chrome.

IBM busts record for superconducting quantum computer.

from here.

10 very weird sounding Science Fiction novels that you’ve probably never read.

Leo Tolstoy’s obsession with mortality.

Facial hair in Shakespeare.

7 children’s books written in response to other books.

An uncensored look at The Lorax and other dangerous books.

Interesting bookshelves.

William H. Gass lives in a library.

Michael Chabon has wanted to write a John Carter (of Mars) adaptation for a long time. Does the John Carter movie look good to you?

Long lost Charlotte Brontë short story to be published.

Fantastic books with disappointing endings.

from here.

Please remember to especially check back here on our blog on Wednesday, when we’ll be posting our Survey/Trivia contest.

And for info on other future contests we’ll be doing, you can always check out our CONTESTS page.

There are so many Dracula projects in the works!

Could Sherlock‘s Benedict Cumberbatch be the new Master in Doctor Who‘s 50th anniversary?

Speaking of which, Lucy Liu has been cast as Watson in CBS’ unfortunate sounding American remake of the BBC series.

And speaking of the unfortunate (and unauthorized), it sounds like the CW is basically making their version of a Hunger Games show.

The Star Wars guide to yoga.

They’re doing a prequel to Sex And The City.

Terry Gilliam’s on again, off again quixotic quest to bring make his Don Quixote film is… on again.

Analyzing and over-analyzing the new poster for Mad Men‘s upcoming season.

Andre 3000 suggests that you don’t expect the next Outkast album any time soon.

Stan Lee is a playable character in the new Amazing Spider Man video game.

Most of the cast of Downton Abbey signs on through season 5.

Operation Cornflakes: How the Allies scammed the Nazi postal service.

Taking a crack at predicting nominations for the Oscars for 2013.

Fun and interesting venn diagrams.

Bill Murray won’t do Ghostbusters 3.

The history of “Comfortably Numb,” from Pink Floyd’s The Wall.

Some of the greatest movies never made.

The new trailer for Game Of Thrones‘ upcoming season is epic.

from here.

Mars could be harvesting water from its own atmosphere.

Why don’t we read about architecture?

Warp drives may come with a killer downside.

An animated film about books that charmed the Oscars judges.

Bizarre driver’s license photo.

Watch Sherlock Holmes and the Doctor sing, “I Can Do Anything Better Than You.”

A big bust at Victoria’s Secret.

A primer on calendar reform.

This is a picture of a dog enjoying taking a bath.

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