Tag Archives: Blame

And even more reading material.

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Some reading material from around the internet:

8 actors who look exactly the same on every movie poster.

Science fiction’s predictions for 2012.

Taco Bell has a breakfast menu?

The thrill of blaming others.

Twitter adopts country-specific censorship regime.

Human nature and the neurobiology of conflict.

How old does Google think you are?

Retailers resort to offering refunds to customers for positive reviews online.

There’s a mysterious object at the bottom of the Baltic sea.

Facebook about to go public.

An intimate look at the youth of Egypt in the ongoing revolution.

Polish lawmakers don Guy Fawkes masks to sign ACTA.

Political contributions from the financial sector have increased 700% since 1990.

A bookworm’s guide to casting The Corrections.

The new trailer for Game Of Thrones‘ second season.

The MPAA is “not comfortable” with the internet.

Shirley MacLaine has been cast the Dowager Countess’ nemesis on Downton Abbey.

The best and worst of Sundance 2012.

from here.

J.R.R. Tolkien snubbed by the 1961 Nobel jury.

The wise words of E. B. White.

The 10 most expensive books in the world.

An interview with Michael Ondaatje.

Best practices for Fair Use in libraries.

Literature’s greatest mustaches.

Visionaries from the paperback revolution.

Interesting books coming out in 2012.

Vladimir Putin has some books that he’d like you to read.

The alternate titles of famous books.

Great science fiction authors who never wrote sequels or trilogies.

Language is hardwired to be optimistic, even if people aren’t.

10 of literature’s trippiest books.

from here.

7 things you didn’t know about Joan Of Arc.

Was Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous anatomical chart actually a collaborative effort?

This is what happens when you ask Stephen Hawking for the secret to time travel.

The social networks of the Stone Age.

Volcanoes seen from space.

A truly bizarre headline: “Indonesian man arrested for kicking woman he thought was a ghost.”

How NASA kept astronauts from swearing on the moon.

The world’s giant trees are dying off rapidly.

When did Rome really fall?

An optimistic history of the next 40 years.