Tag Archives: Ra’s al Ghul

Reading material for 07/23/12:

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Some reading material from around the internet:

RIP Sally Ride.

The evolution of the Batman symbol over seven decades.

It’s always interesting to read about the Emperor Norton, the first Emperor of America.

What do the Olympic rings mean?

The origin of Nickelodeon’s green slime.

Picture above from here.

9 intriguing excerpts from old FBI files.

This video game company has a very weird employee handbook.

from here.

A library with no new books?

Check out these very stylized Game Of Thrones maps.

The books that make guys swoon.

Ray Bradbury and pogo.

The reading lists of your favorite fictional characters.

Be amazed by the maze of books, seen below:

10 must see episodes of The X-Files?

A new web series featuring Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld.

A grown up’s guide to teen celebrities.

Four things you need to remember about the first two Batman movies before seeing The Dark Knight Rises.

The movies that people need to stop quoting.

Shirley MacLaine on Downton Abbey, and 8 teases for the next season.

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Previous online reading material:






The Fire Rises!

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Tomorrow (or midnight tonight for some folks) is the day that many people have been eagerly anticipating for a while now: the release of The Dark Knight Rises.

And with the release of the newest and final film in director Christopher Nolan’s trilogy of Batman films, quite a few patrons have come in looking to whet their appetite on all things related to the caped crusader…

So we’re happy to remind you that we have quite a few Batman graphic novels, as well DVDs. Hopefully they’ll help you satisfy your hunger for some of the adventures of Gotham City’s favorite characters.

And if you get a chance, let us know what you think of the new movie.

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Please note that books and DVDs mentioned here could be checked out between the time they end up on the blog and when you come to check them out. If you don’t see the items you’re looking for then please come up to the front desk, OR call us, OR send us an email at robinsbaselibrary@gmail.com and  we’ll put your name on the reserve list for when the item returns.