Tag Archives: Albert Einstein

New and Featured Books for Kids/Juvenile Readers for 06/19/2013:

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Come and check out these and some of the other new books and materials (or at least new to us) for younger and juvenile readers added to our library collection…


Tiptoe Joe by Ginger Foglesong Gibson and illustrated by Laura Rankin

Lego Man In Space: A True Story by Mara Shaughnessy

Happy birthday!

My Lucky Birthday by Keiko Kasza

A Special Gift For Granny by Jean Craighead George and illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher

Are The Dinosaurs Dead, Dad? by Julie Middleton and illustrated by Russell Ayto


House Held Up By Trees by Ted Kooser and illustrated by Jon Klassen


Alvin Ho: Allergic To Babies, Burglars, And Other Bumps In The Night by Lenore Look and illustrated by Leuyen Pham

Here comes the monster.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, inspired by an idea from Siobhan Dowd

Princess Academy: Palace Of Stone by Shannon Hale

The Planet Thieves by Dan Krokos

Its her party and she will be mean if she wants to.

The Meanest Birthday Girl by Josh Schneider


A story of Albert Einstein.

On A Beam Of Light: The Story Of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne and illustrated by Vladimir Radunsky

Extreme Oceans by Seymour Simon

Dangerous habitats.

A Strange Place To Call Home: The World’s Most Dangerous Habitats & The Animals That Call Them Home by Marilyn Singer and illustrated by Ed Young

First Big Book Of Space by Catherine D. Hughes and illustrated by David A. Aguilar

The Negro League All-Star game of 1934.

Stars In The Shadows: The Negro League All-Star Game Of 1934 by Charles R. Smith Jr. and illustrated by Frank Morrison

Crocodile Hunters! – And More True Stories Of Adventures With Animals by Brady Barr with Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

How To Negotiate Everything by David Spellman with Lisa Lutz and illustrated by Jaime Temairik

What the Hubble telescope saw.

Space, Stars, And The Beginning Of Time: What The Hubble Telescope Saw by Elaine Scott

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Please note that books mentioned here could be checked out between the time they end up on the blog and when you come to check them out. If you don’t see the items you’re looking for then please come up to the front desk, OR call us, OR send us an email at robinsbaselibrary@gmail.com and  we’ll put your name on the reserve list for when the item returns.

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Previous New/Featured books for Adults:





And for Young Adults:





And for Kids/Juvenile Readers:







Reading material for 07/23/12:

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Some reading material from around the internet:

RIP Sally Ride.

The evolution of the Batman symbol over seven decades.

It’s always interesting to read about the Emperor Norton, the first Emperor of America.

What do the Olympic rings mean?

The origin of Nickelodeon’s green slime.

Picture above from here.

9 intriguing excerpts from old FBI files.

This video game company has a very weird employee handbook.

from here.

A library with no new books?

Check out these very stylized Game Of Thrones maps.

The books that make guys swoon.

Ray Bradbury and pogo.

The reading lists of your favorite fictional characters.

Be amazed by the maze of books, seen below:

10 must see episodes of The X-Files?

A new web series featuring Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld.

A grown up’s guide to teen celebrities.

Four things you need to remember about the first two Batman movies before seeing The Dark Knight Rises.

The movies that people need to stop quoting.

Shirley MacLaine on Downton Abbey, and 8 teases for the next season.

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Previous online reading material:




